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Student Ministry Activities

Our student ministry includes all school-aged children from Pre-K through 12th grade. Our students attend Sunday School at 9:15 according to grade level. On Sunday evening, we have RA's for boys and GA's for girls (1st-6th grade) where kids learn about missionaries, different cultures, and ways to be involved in missionary work and serving others.


Students have regular opportunities to serve others by ministering to their church family and the community, and raising funds for missionaries in North America. They also participate in fun events that allow them to grow spiritually and help them to build close friendships with one another.


Check below to see upcoming events and to view pictures from some of their recent events!

Upcoming Events

Click the tabs

below to read about each event


Picture Gallery

Click the pictures below and then the arrows to view each slide show.

RA/GA Class

Ministry Work

Fun Events

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