Events, Fellowship, and Fun
Picture Gallery
Vacation Bible School, June 2023
Click on box below to watch!
Memorial Day Celebration, May 2023
Mother's Day Brunch, May 2023
Latte Da Women's Worship Night, May 2023
Some of our ladies attended April's (88.3 WAFJ) Latte Da Women's Worship Night. It is always a sweet time of praise and worship, being in God's Word, prayer, and fellowship! This is a monthly event, but there will be a break for the summer. The next Latte Da night will be in September and will be focused on
Operation Christmas Child. Stay tuned for more details!
Latte Da Women's Worship Night
April 2023
Easter Sunrise Service Breakfast and Cantata
At the Movies to See His Only Son
Family Fish Fry 2023
We had a great time at our fish fry in March. Those who came generously gave to our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering to support missionaries in North America. The food and fellowship were wonderful. We ate some delicious fried fish, french fries, hush puppies, and other sides as well as desserts!